5 Simple Ways to Realistically Re-Set Your 2022 Intentions

by Zelda Morales, Chief Journey Guide, www.authenticinspiredlifejourney.com

Well hello second half of the year 2022! 

Whether I’m ready to acknowledge you or not, I’m here, so I am choosing to embrace you and see you as an opportunity to implement changes and a fresh start even though I’m feeling a little behind in achieving my intentions for the year.  Luckily, the women I coach, or I have a seat on their Personal Board of Directors have told me they feel the same way, so I’m not alone in this.     

One thing I know for sure is when I’m more proactive and intentional about designing my work and home life, I feel more successful and fulfilled.  The beginning of the year I work towards getting really clear about my goals and outcomes for the year.  I’ll start by assessing what I want more of and less of, then I’ll determine what I want to improve and what result I want to see.  This year some...

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