5 Simple Ways to Realistically Re-Set Your 2022 Intentions

by Zelda Morales, Chief Journey Guide, www.authenticinspiredlifejourney.com

Well hello second half of the year 2022! 

Whether I’m ready to acknowledge you or not, I’m here, so I am choosing to embrace you and see you as an opportunity to implement changes and a fresh start even though I’m feeling a little behind in achieving my intentions for the year.  Luckily, the women I coach, or I have a seat on their Personal Board of Directors have told me they feel the same way, so I’m not alone in this.     

One thing I know for sure is when I’m more proactive and intentional about designing my work and home life, I feel more successful and fulfilled.  The beginning of the year I work towards getting really clear about my goals and outcomes for the year.  I’ll start by assessing what I want more of and less of, then I’ll determine what I want to improve and what result I want to see.  This year some intentions I set are around changing or improving various aspects of my work life and others are related to my home life.  I set out wanting to see success and feel fulfilled at the end of the year.  So, I knew I needed to set some clear and attainable goals that would help me get there.  But wait!  How’s it worked for me so far?  Glad you asked!  I can honestly say I’ve made it to the halfway mark of the halfway point I intended to be at.  Maybe not where I expected to be BUT still totally worth the celebration!  I truly have achieved some great things.   To close out the second half of the year it's time to go back to the beginning of my first of the year process, get clear about what I want more of and less of, set some new intentions, and really make sure they are realistic to begin with so as not to overwhelm myself.  Otherwise, I might feel defeated before I even get started.  Has that ever happened to you?  Not the best feeling, right?!

I challenge you to do the same at this point in the year.  Start by reflecting on what you personally want more of and less of and commit to being proactive and intentional about designing intentions for your work and home life that you can celebrate come December 31st.  Are you ready to do that?  If yes, here are 5 simple ways to re-set realistic intentions to help you achieve success and not feel overwhelmed in the process.     

1.  Keep it Real

 You have to stay realistic when it comes to setting goals or intentions. Getting a fresh start is exciting, and right from the start you'll feel motivated to achieve something big.  Know that you can achieve big things, but there are also only 24 hours in a day.

Avoid setting too many goals and making goals that would take more than the rest of the year to complete. My productivity coach, Tanya Dalton has taught me to shoot for the stars when setting goals, but to keep it realistic.  There’s no hard fast rule to how many goals you should set, however, setting only 3-4 that you want to achieve at one time will allow you to have one to two goals for different areas of your life.  If you want to set intentions for long-term goals that will take more than the rest of this year to achieve, break them up into parts and give yourself a realistic plan for what’s left in 2022.

2.  Take It Slow

Work towards each goal or intention one piece at a time. It's important to take it slow and not take on too much at once. The main reason that some people fail when it comes to setting goals, whether at the start of a new year or other time, is because they fail to plan out a realistic path.  Remember, you’re setting goals for the half year which is 6 months and not to be achieved in 12 at this point.

3.  Plan for Follow Through

It's easy to say: "I want to complete my first marathon" or "I want to cut junk food completely out of my diet."   Keep in mind that big goals like these will take some time and effort. If you are just beginning to train for running a marathon it will be difficult to start running non-stop, for long distances, and the right pace on a routine basis.  And to cut junk food completely out of your diet the next day after setting the goal, you’ll probably experience withdrawal symptoms that will leave you feeling irritable and fatigued.  Both type of initiatives will take time to master, and you may start with the first few weeks of just learning about how to take the next one right step towards your goal before reaching your first mile run, or making it through a solid week without French Fries.   

Remember that the beginning is tough. Muster up the courage and enthusiasm to continue with your efforts. Remember that most people give up, but you're not most people, are you?

You're different because, unlike most people, you're going to create a clear and realistic plan to take you right to success. If you're going to stop eating junk food, define how you're going to do that.  Are you going start with determining what healthier food options will replace the French Fries or pizza?  Will you begin to log your food intake so you can keep track of what you are eating?  Will you keep a journal that describes when you get a craving for junk food and what might have triggered it?   

Nothing happens overnight; it's a steady climb towards a goal that brings success. Even if you give in to a craving the first day or week, you can revise your plan and kick up the pace, or just continue your path. Courage. Consistency.  Grace. 

4.  Visualize the Outcome

When you run into snags in the road, as you're bound to in life from time to time, it will help to visualize yourself reaching your end goal. Visualizing it makes it feel real and motivates you to continue to work hard to make it happen.  Make seeing it in your mind a daily practice.  Want to take it a step farther?  Write a vision statement and read it to yourself daily as you move towards achieving success toward your goals. 

5.  Start with the Right Attitude

Do you believe in you?  Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.”  If you don't believe that you can accomplish your goals, you simply won't. How can you expect to achieve great things if you don't believe in yourself?

An optimistic attitude is critical to your success. When we first set a goal we are usually very optimistic and feeling “gung-ho”.   Do your best to maintain that attitude and mindset throughout your journey to success by year end.

Once you've determined a realistic goal and divided it up into short, achievable tasks, you're bound for success as long as you take action to complete each step. Go ahead and set those goals and intentions!  The year may be half gone, but every day is a gift and one more day to work your plan. 


It’s not that you aren’t growing enough.  It’s not that you aren’t working hard enough.  It’s no that you aren’t enough.  When you realize it’s a journey, you’ll discover enough! 

Every woman is on a journey.  Need help discovering yours?  I can help you.  I’m one text, call, or message away! 

[email protected]    


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